Today is a memory day of one russian twin brother, name Dima
2008-07-10 he with his friend died in motorbike accident
They were crushed in a pole
Other twin brother is alive, he was not there at the motobike
They are proffesional dancers from 5 years
There are in Mojiang they wined 2 place in twin contest
Our delegation come to Russia in 11 of May 2008, he was died in 10 of July 2008
it was really tough lost for all twins who known him for that short 2 weeks of travelling
Can't imagine how his brother were endure that immense lost
It was not just upset, it was most worst feelings,i felt seems that from my body carved one piece, it was really hurts
But life is coming, we need accept it, and try remeber and live by memories
Let's Universe remembering him as never fading, never wilting, movable, funny, classy and awesome dancer man!
Forever remeber and love Dima
Every Sunday i am praying for people who suddenly were dieing
My condolences to Yura and his family
Take care of your life, your family, life's of your close friends and familiars
Peace to all people
God bless