
Second day of having blog
Can't see no one comment, but i am happy that have possibility post what i feeling in this moment
it's resembles like talk with empty room, but then i feel good inside of me, that i could off and shared my thoughts
Despite of russians so open nations, but we still don't know how can post details of life on the internet where all can read and comments it
All get used and prefer discuss it by phones or in small circle of close friends
So world are changing and all are changing, hence we need trying switch on minds to one good other way as all people who doing that almost every day

I had notebook where i posting new unknown english words and than learning it
How i have possibility training and practicing my english and never forget that words cuz of blog, i like this fact
I've had learned all written words, but new coming ever day, and become more intersting to knowing it
It's stimulate me learn language and culture of other people
Thanks God that we met native english speakers on Plurk where we chatting and rising knowledges about other culture and traditions
In everything i try follow this proverb - "practice makes perfects"
I wish you the same



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