Today we decided visit another supermarket - Carrefour
There are 5 centres in Haerbin
We attended this place -->道里区新阳路365号凯旋城购物休闲广场(近红十字中心医院)
We was walking around 30 minutes till place, cuz it's situated close with our area
Was very nice weather, warm and sunny but with some clouds and nice wind, which made our body fresher under soaking sun, clouds closed their masses sun and we comfortable come to place
We started from first floor and seen all areas
We had visited Wall-mart, Century-Mart and Carrefour supermarkets
So i have to say, that most of all i liked Wall-mart supermarket, due to variety of goods, sport and home clothes and home things, plus tones of fresh fruits
I like that place, yeah
We had purchases on 333 rmb and got prize- liquid hand soap with fruit smell
Nice to get some things after good shopping
We bought yogurt, fruits, bread, tasty butter, boiled liver, 2 turquoise small comfy bags, 2 pairs of shoes, topics, pants, some things for girls and of course fake lashes
I like to wear it after having photosession and i will try wear it once more la
With yogurts we got emblems of chinese olimpic games which was in 2008
Since that time we got only key-rings and dreamed about prototypes-toys
We killed 2 rabbits in one time- got yogurt and long-awaited small toys
After shopping to come to KFC for some snacks and met korean students,we got some tweeting with that nice girls
It was real pleasure to hear korean speach and speak with real koreans
today i saw in real example that asian nation very different beetween each other, koreans looks differ that chinese
But both nations cute, special and unique in their's existance
Unfortunatelly we didn't remembered that to shoot that moment for blog, sorry guys
Then we come home, get some ice-cream break and visited rich supercenter- Cartier
See new story about it next time
Yours, Vera