
Finally I had finished embroider of Resort view.

30 sm x 45 sm – that was size of my embroidery picture.

This huge size embroidery I started 6 months ago.

I remember how I choose this view of embroidery when was deep winter in Vladivostok.

I come to shop since early morning and waited some minutes in the cold street, I even had been frozen a little.

I wanted to choose summer view or landscape and I wasn’t care how much it costs.

Well, among more than 20 such embroider pictures I found mine embroidery. It wasn’t cheap picture.

I saw how many pictures embroidered Vera, but she didn’t have such huge size embroidery.

It was contagious idea starts such huge embroidery, cuz I wanted to do myself real big and serious picture.

I had been embroidered before this picture only “Sailfish” picture which size was 24 sm x 30 sm.

Now I have 2 big serious embroider work and I feel good.

According superstition when  person starts embroider he need make a wish, I made very good wish, home my wish will comes true as soon as it possible.

Hopefully God will bless me!

Sincerely, yours Sasha

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    Sasha & Vera

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