A twin is one of two offspring produced in the same pregnancy. Twins can either be identical (in scientific usage, "monozygotic"), meaning that they develop from one zygote that splits and forms two embryos, or fraternal ("dizygotic") because they develop from two separate eggs that are fertilized by two separate sperm.

We are identical twins, our mama with twin-brother are fraternal twins.

Well there is misleading that all kind of twins are very similar and close in theirs hobbies and opinions.

It’s wrong.

Twins are absolutely different people even if they look very similar and dress the same clothes.

In most cases the same clothes are just habit.

Of course main factor of misleading is habitat.

If twins lived in one house from birth, they just get used to do all things together and do it identically, automatically I can say. LOL

I don’t include the factor that some behavior and minds twins got from nature.

We born and lived in one place till nowadays.

In that time (time of our childhood) Russia had deficit of clothes and shoes.

Not only twins all ppl wore the same clothes.

Our mama has sailor brother and dressed us by abroad clothes.

Well, we get used wear the same clothes and even nowadays we buy similar clothes.

But she tried bought different colors clothes for us.

But in most photos we have the same clothes. 

Here we are 3-year old twins.


As I remember I didn’t want to be similar with Vera in childhood, I liked another colors than Vera and another shoes too.

May be it sounds weird, but it’s truth. 

Here we are 13-years old twins.



After we graduated university, especially last 2 years we bought not only different colors of clothes, but clothes of different styles.

And very often we doll up as 2 different girls.

But people are able to understand that are twins according our faces and shape of bodies.


Twins are able to feel each other, but in case if they have close bond and love each other.

Sometimes twin even doesn’t need say all sentence, cuz other twin will get meaning from one word.

I never felt Vera’s feelings or pain; I just could get what she thought.



We have some different habits and skills though we studying in the same school and university.

But we like the same music, books, like travelling, chatting and studying.


Our mama Nina and her twin-brother Vladimir are living separate from 18 years.

They have similar tall, minds and behavior and the same character.

Amazing and unbelievable but they live so far away from each other, but theirs life style is very similar contrary with us. LOL 


One day in plurk site we discussed ice-cream which I like more than Vera but I was told that I’ll have the same habits like Vera due to we are twins.

I will not like ice-cream as Vera.

It had been sounding like offence.

I was upset really.

I didn’t show my feelings to that guy, cuz  I respect all people with whom I have conversation and didn’t know which age man he was.

I just said that I’ll never be like Vera, we are 2 different people even if look very similar.


I consider that with ages we become more similar than before externally, but internally we strongly changed.

Twins are 2 people who will wonder you during all life.

Sincerely, yours Sasha

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    Sasha & Vera

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